Monday, 3 September 2012

Blog one, Blog all

Guess what?  I got a call from my boss to be this morning, telling me that they were successful in their application for more funding, which basically means that I'll be working full time instead of part time as originally planned! :D

I was praying through the whole of Ramadan that they would get more funding, and it lucks like my prayers were answered Alhamdulillah!  So I am a very happy bunny today.
Working full time means that it'll be easier for me to save up for a new car, which is my main priority at the moment!

I start work in a couple of weeks, so I'll have to make the most of my last two weeks of unemployment!  I'm actually looking forward to working now, I need the money!  It's no fun not working when you're broke.

I was tweeting Marky Mark, you know, that rambling chap whose blog you can get to by clicking on ze link ^^^ & we were discussing guest posting, prompted from the guest post I did for Michaels blog here.

I'd love for Mark to do something for my blog, and after a wee bit of indecision, Mark figured out what he could possibly do for me blog (I'll leave it as a surprise *wink wink*), and what I could do for his!

I said I'd attempt a short story, since he's brilliant at writing stuff himself.
I've got a plan down for what I can write about, that's not a problem.  The problem is trying to keep the story short!  Not that it's an epic novel or anything, it just gets a bit waffly, so It is most definitely a work in progress!

London on Thurs and Fri was good.  I went with my mum and brother, and on the thursday we went to watch Les Miserables (I think I spelt it right....), and I hope I don't offend anyone who is, or has been somehow involved with Les Mis (Which I don't think would be an issue, cuz really, what are the chances of them reading this post!? but still, just incizzles....) it was so BORING!  Don't get me wrong, the actors and actresses were amazing, and their voices were phenomenal!  But it was just tooooo long, and really quite depressing (I know, the I should've got that from the title really) but yeah.  My brother kept falling asleep throughout the performance, which was slightly embarrassing, but more hilarious!

Again we did the standard touristy thingy ma bobs, and I used this as an opportunity to work on my amateur photography skills!  Saying that, I was so tired from carrying my camera around that I ended up using my iPhone camera more than my actual camera!

M&M store in Leicester Square
View of London Central from the river Thames

London Bridge

The show that put my brother to sleep.  Legally Blonde it is then next time.

Beautiful inside the theatre

Big Bizzle

China Town

Haagen-Daz Cafe :D

Museum of Natural History

Museum of Natural History

Green Park 

London Eye
View of Regents Park Mosque from Regents Park


  1. Well, since you are already calling him "Marky Mark" why don't you and Mark the Rambling person do a rap/hip hop duet and post it on youtube? I think it would be pretty awesome.

    1. That would be horrific. My rapping skills are virtually non-existant!

  2. Well the latest Immortal Space update came in at 1200+ words, so I think you'll be fine. People expect longish posts from me, just try to keep it less than 1000 words and you'll be fine :) I wrote 100 word stories before. Congratulations on getting full time employment :D And those views totally rock. I would have been snapping away too. It's a shame Les Mis wasn't as good as you hoped, but you can now say you've seen it.

    1. I've finished applying the last touches to my story, and it comes in at 1500 words, so you don't have to worry about yours being long :) Let me know how I can send it to you.

    2. Ohh you must share some of your snaps with us!

  3. Working full-time can be good, but be sure to allow yourself some free time as well!
    I wonder what that devil Mark will come up with though. IT HAD BETTER BE GOOD, LAD.

  4. Blah, lucky you. I'm still on the hunt for some form of better employment. ._.

    1. Arghh it's so tough in this economy! But hopefully something will open up for you soon!

  5. I like it when food porn is added. Honestly, there is just nothing better than ice cream. Almond, coconut, and soy ice cream tastes just like the milk stuff. Oh, what I wouldn't do for a nice, big bowl right now.

    1. I'm not a massive fan of ice cream to be honest, but I do enjoy Hagen Daazs :D

  6. Good news about the job! I know what it's like to want more hours at work. I've been between contracts (ie. unemployed) for 2 months now, and just this morning got the call that there will be a new contract for me next week. So yay for both of us! Good luck with the guest posting!

  7. CONGRATSSSS on the full time hours & it'll b fab when its pay day ;) Love your London pics & love London...just puts me in the mood to go down south...LOVE LOVE LOVE ur Blogs :)
